Monday, March 13, 2017

5 Creepy Things I've Found Online - March 2017

It's my first blog post and I'm very excited. A big part of the reason I wanted to write my true life scary stories and publish them is because I've been listening to and reading other people's true life scary stories for awhile now. Some I listen to or read because I want to research other people who have similar creepy experiences and some just because I find the supernatural and near death experiences just fascinating in general.

Here are some creepy things I've found online this month...

1. The Smiling Man

I absolutely love Mr. Nightmare. I'm sure most people who would enjoy reading my books would enjoy watching him as well. If you've never heard of him, then I recommend going on youtube and watching one of his videos immediately. He finds the creepiest stories online and narrates them on his channel. If I ever make audio books of my stories, my dream would be to have Mr. Nghtmare narrate them.

Anyway, this is my favorite Mr. Nightmare story. It scares me more than most of his stories have. I've met some creepy people in my lifetime who've done some awful things, yet I can't compare any of my experiences to this one.

2. Mommy, Are You Okay?

ThatPoppy is a youtube singer/celebrity who has become really popular lately. She writes catchy pop music and posts bizarre videos on her youtube channel. There's probably a deeper meaning to a lot of them, but it's hard to understand the meaning of all of them. There are some creepy videos on that channel like this one. I find the, fascinating.

3. Annie96 Is Typing...

Like most people, I enjoy a good creepy pasta. This one is not only quick and easy to read, but also pretty decently written. Some creepy pastas take forever to get to their point and are hard to read through. Here's a link to it:

4. White With Red

This is my favorite creepy pasta of all time. I enjoy that this video is animated as well. After I read the story (I didn't have the animation to go with it), I couldn't sleep for like a week, it got to me so much. Whoever wrote this story is a very skilled horror writer.

5. Live Streamer's Haunted House

This guy was live streaming while he was staying at a friend's house and the spirits in the house didn't like that he was there. None of this is fake and it's completely terrifying.

Which one of these is the scariest? Let me know in the comments below.