Saturday, November 25, 2017

My Books Are Live Again On Google Play! (New Buy Links)

I hope all of you had a nice Thanksgiving! (If you live in America!)

I've been at work, doing all I can to get my books back up as soon as possible. So far, my books are up on Barnes & Noble and Google Play. If you downloaded your book on Google Play, it would help me a lot if you were to re-download the first book and/or leave a review again on the first book, since all my old reviews are gone now.

Here are the links to my books on Google Play. I'll update you with more buy links once they are live on itunes and Amazon.

True Scary Stories: Volume One

True Scary Stories: Volume Two

True Scary Stories: Volume Three

True Scary Stories: Volume Four

Monday, November 13, 2017

My Books Will Be Down

My books are being taken down today. The action has already been initiated, I don't know how long it will take them to disappear from every site. Once they do, I will be re-uploading them and I will let you know when they go live again.

In the mean time, make sure you go to the main page of my site and sign up for my newsletter to keep up to date.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Time To Press The Reset Button

I have some bad news.

Basically, the company that distributes my books, Macmillan, is getting rid of part of their company that sells my books, which means my books are going to be taken down from all websites: Google Play, Itunes, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.

This also means I will be losing most of my reviews and all of my rankings and that my books will no longer be for sale for awhile.

I was devastated by this. The good news is I am going to reupload my books as soon as possible after they are taken down, which will happen some time within the next two months.

But there are problems with this. Because my reviews are going to be deleted, my books might not do as well this second time around and if they don't do as well, then I won't be able to work on them as much or release as many books.

I promise to release the fifth book still, but this will probably be heavily delayed as the rest of my books are taken down and reuploaded to a new site. I probably won't be able to release it until the beginning of next year at the earliest.

I appreciate your guys' patience and continued support though. I need your help during this time and no matter what happens, just know, I appreciate all the reviews and comments you left. I appreciate how successful you made my book for these 9 months. They've been in the top ten of google play almost the entire time and that really meant a lot to me!

Also, I had some problems with the comments app I added to my website. It was down for about a week, but I've gotten it back up and working now, so feel free to comment again.