Sunday, December 31, 2017

Win The Ultimate Reader Gift Basket! (Includes Kindle, Amazon Gift Card, And More)

Here's a chance for you to win the Ultimate Reader Gift Basket in the New Year. Just click on the link and enter at the #1 site for reader giveaways--The Kindle Book Review. It's easy & fun. If you love reading, enter now; giveaway ends Jan 31st.  Click here to enter ~>

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Please Help Support My Thunderclap Campaign

Because Pronoun (a part of Macmillan) closed its doors, I was forced to relaunch my book. I'm trying to get the word out about my free horror book and it would be a huge favor to me if you joined my thunderclap.

Thunderclap is a website that allows you to sign up your social media accounts and on a date and time I have selected, it will share a link to my book for all your friends and followers to see.

I can only be successful with YOUR help. I've always depended on you, the readers, and I need you here, too. You've been such supportive and wonderful fans thus far.

Here's the link to my thunderclap:

It only takes a couple of clicks to support me.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

My Books Are Live Again Everywhere

So my books are live again and on sale everywhere (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Itunes, Googleplay, etc.) I linked you to the google play links in the previous post, now here are the rest of the links, in case you prefer to read that somewhere else.

Book One:

Book Two:

Book Three:

Book Four:

Now I'm off to work on other projects, including my 5th book. My 5 Scary Things Every Month posts are on hiatus for the time being, but they may return soon.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

My Books Are Live Again On Google Play! (New Buy Links)

I hope all of you had a nice Thanksgiving! (If you live in America!)

I've been at work, doing all I can to get my books back up as soon as possible. So far, my books are up on Barnes & Noble and Google Play. If you downloaded your book on Google Play, it would help me a lot if you were to re-download the first book and/or leave a review again on the first book, since all my old reviews are gone now.

Here are the links to my books on Google Play. I'll update you with more buy links once they are live on itunes and Amazon.

True Scary Stories: Volume One

True Scary Stories: Volume Two

True Scary Stories: Volume Three

True Scary Stories: Volume Four

Monday, November 13, 2017

My Books Will Be Down

My books are being taken down today. The action has already been initiated, I don't know how long it will take them to disappear from every site. Once they do, I will be re-uploading them and I will let you know when they go live again.

In the mean time, make sure you go to the main page of my site and sign up for my newsletter to keep up to date.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Time To Press The Reset Button

I have some bad news.

Basically, the company that distributes my books, Macmillan, is getting rid of part of their company that sells my books, which means my books are going to be taken down from all websites: Google Play, Itunes, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.

This also means I will be losing most of my reviews and all of my rankings and that my books will no longer be for sale for awhile.

I was devastated by this. The good news is I am going to reupload my books as soon as possible after they are taken down, which will happen some time within the next two months.

But there are problems with this. Because my reviews are going to be deleted, my books might not do as well this second time around and if they don't do as well, then I won't be able to work on them as much or release as many books.

I promise to release the fifth book still, but this will probably be heavily delayed as the rest of my books are taken down and reuploaded to a new site. I probably won't be able to release it until the beginning of next year at the earliest.

I appreciate your guys' patience and continued support though. I need your help during this time and no matter what happens, just know, I appreciate all the reviews and comments you left. I appreciate how successful you made my book for these 9 months. They've been in the top ten of google play almost the entire time and that really meant a lot to me!

Also, I had some problems with the comments app I added to my website. It was down for about a week, but I've gotten it back up and working now, so feel free to comment again.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

5 Scary Things I Found Online (And An Update!) - Septembe/Octoberr 2017


I wanted to have the book finished and ready for publishing by Halloween (today.) I thought it would be a very special surprise to have that ready for all of you. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish it in time. I had completed the first draft awhile ago, but as I keep looking at it, I realize that it still needs a lot more work. Even though it would be nice for all of you to be able to read it on or before Halloween, I'd rather make sure that I'm giving you a quality product and miss my deadline, rather than just throw something out there just to get it out there.

So I appreciate your patience during this time and just know I'm hard at work on the fifth book. I'm hoping that all this work will mean it will be the best book yet!

In the mean time, if you are looking for something creepy to read/watch tonight, try listening to all these creepy videos in the dark, tonight, for Halloween, by yourself. I guarantee you'll get scared.


1. "The Dream Of Every Dentist" Creepypasta

For some reason, this month, I had a lot of fun watching creepypastas. I enjoy reading them, too, but there's something about a great narrator that makes them that much more special. There's a lot of terrible Creepypastas out there and what's great is the people who narrate them on youtube have sorted through a lot of the bad ones and usually only narrate the best.

This is one of the best creepypastas I've ever heard. I hope this person is a writer because they took some real world concepts (like that dentists kill themselves more than any other profession), which made it seem more real, and made it into one of the most terrifying stories I've ever heard. Not to mention it was that much more frightening because dentists are scary and most of us have a fear of them.

2. "I Relive Every Day Multiple Times - Today Ends Badly" Creepypasta

This creepypasta started out a little slow. I was scared it would get predictable, but as time went on and I kept listening, it got better and better. The ending of it was unexpected and perfect. It reminds me of the movie "Happy Death Day" a bit which I haven't seen yet, but have heard is decent.

3 "You'll Never Even Know" Creepypasta

I was intrigued by this creepypasta because of the title. It presented a mystery and mysteries can be scary. The story was one of the most terrifying creepypastas I've ever heard or read, so it lived up to its hype and made me slightly paranoid by the end of it.

4. "Dogs Know They Aren't Human" Creepypasta

I love my dog (as you can tell by some of my stories that feature my dog in them), so this drew me in. I trust my dog and her instincts and wanted to know what the dog in this story was sensing. Every time you think this story is going to be predictable, it throws you for a loop. Very terrifying and a wonderful ending.

5. "I Can See Auras And It's A Curse" Creepypasta

Wow. This one is dark. It's the kind of thing that messes you up to listen to. Best of all, it presents you with philosophical dilemmas. Very well written, I hope this writer goes on to publish more horror stories.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Update: New Book Coming Soon!

I just want to let you all know that I'm not dead and I'm still working on my horror books.

I was originally going to write about a story my Mom had told me about being in college and her roommate being possessed. I had already written part of it, when a little over a month ago, I saw another shadow man instead.

By far, my most popular book is my first book, people seem to like learning about shadow men so much, so I decided to put the other book on hold and write this story instead. It's longer than the original shadow man stories (for people who are unhappy with the short length of the first book) because a lot happened this time I saw a shadow person.

I've been on hiatus for a little while, partly from the trauma of seeing a shadow man again and partly from a lot of stress that has been added to my life, but I've been working on this next volume whenever I got the chance and hope to have it done by Halloween.

I didn't make a blog post last month about scary things I found online, but I hope to make a combined one for both September and October  by the time Halloween rolls around, too.

Look out for that and join my newsletter if you haven't already. (There's a form to join it on the homepage of my website on the bottom: ) Joining my newsletter means that you will get an e-mail as soon as I release my next book if you are interested in purchasing it.

Thank you for supporting me. I am back at number one at the google play store again! I've remained in the top ten almost the entire time since I published my first book and it's all thanks to you. I appreciate your support and I appreciate you all so much. I hope you enjoy my new book when it comes out!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Five Scary Things I Found Online - Aiugust 2017 (Shadow Men Links)

Since you guys liked my Shadow Man story so much, this month, I want to focus on Shadow Men stories online.

This is also a big clue as to which one of my Shadow Man stories is the real one. People who are familiar with either Shadow Man stories or have seen Shadow Men in real life have an easier time telling which Shadow People stories are true or not.

Here are five scary things I found online this month.


This is an official website all about Shadow People and real encounters of people who saw them. There's also Shadow Men caught in pictures.

I can't prove that any of these things are real, but they look and sound legitimate to me. Even the pictures. I've seen other videos and pictures of shadow people that looked inaccurate or not real in my opinion, based on my experience of shadow men.

This site has so much content, you can literally be reading it for hours.

There's also even a forum for people to discuss shadow people. I wish I had seen this earlier.


Reddit is filled with awesome first hand encounters of a lot of things. People with weird and interesting lives and frightening real life encounters can be found all over there sharing their stories and answering questions.

If you like my books and haven't ever heard of reddit, I think you'd like the site, especially the creepy categories like r/nosleep and r/letsnomeet.

So this guy who made this article found some great stories of people sharing their experiences with shadow men and compiled them together.


These are pretty creepy stories. The first one especially scared me because of the rumors that Shadow People are grim reapers and I'm always afraid one will appear again and try to kill me next time. I don't know how that woman ever sleeps.

A lot of the stories on this site are particularly creepy. Like shadow children...*shudders* At least my shadow man was an adult. I can't think of anything creepier than a shadow child.


Here's some possible pictures of Shadow People. I found the site interesting. I can't say for sure that all these are real, but at least some of them look like they might possibly be real.

Although, the one I saw in real life was much more clearly defined than any of these pictures. Not blurry at all.

Sometimes I wish I got a picture of it. but it's not really something most people think about when you're that terrified. You're just trying to survive and not get attacked by something supernatural.


Some more interesting Shadow Men stories. I really wish, like the first story, that someone else had seen my Shadow Man with me. It's better if someone else sees it, too, so they can understand why you're so jumpy all of a sudden or afraid to fall asleep and so you can ask someone else if they see what you see, too.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Book 4 Is Finished!

I finished writing and editing book 4 in the middle of the night last night. I'll be filing the copyright for it today and I should be done formatting it and publishing it by the end of today. It takes a couple of days for it to appear on every website after I upload it, but once it appears everywhere, I will be sending out a newsletter letting you all know that its available for purchase. (I'll also be posting about it on this blog.)

If you haven't already signed up for my newsletter, but want to know exactly when book 4 is up, you can sign up for my newsletter here:

I promise I won't be sending out a ton of newsletters if you get annoyed by that stuff. Just announcements of my next book release and things like that.

Thank all of you so much for supporting me and encouraging me to write this fourth book! The first book is almost at 100,000 downloads right now and will be hitting 1,000 reviews on google play any time now. Because of you, it's been number one on google play off and on for months now!

I appreciate all of you so much! Thanks for reading!

Monday, July 17, 2017

5 Scary Things I Found Online - July 2017

1. Japanese Urban Legends

Reading this list is absolutely terrifying. Japanese people create amazing horror movies and that is reflected in their culture and how terrifying their urban legends are.

A demon girl who lives in the gaps of things, always staring at you, who you can't meet the eyes of? *shudders* I am now terrified to wander around my house, especially since I'm home alone right now.

And that girl with the split face? Oh my God! The picture is terrifying, too, along with the legend.

Also, that poem that if you read it out loud, you will die. I know you can find the poem online, but I'm scared to look it up, scared to even read it in my head, let alone out loud.

Japanese urban legends are much scarier than the American ones I've heard!

2. 6 Haunted Dolls That Have Been Scaring People For Years

I can't handle dolls, even non-haunted ones and my next book, which I hope to be releasing this month (I'm about 3/4 of the way finished writing it and it's longer than all my other books have been) might help explain why.

Dolls are just so creepy. My Mom told me that when I was a small child and she showed me a baby doll for the first time that I screamed because I thought she was carrying a dead baby. All dolls kind of look that way, don't they? They're so lifelike and yet so frozen, like they are dead.

I've heard before that the reason so many of them get possessed is because their faces closely resemble human faces and it's the closest a spirit can get to looking human again.

If any of you guys are brave enough to look at the picture of the doll in the article that it says you shouldn't even look at pictures of because it will hurt you, please let me know in the comments and let me know what happened. I'm too afraid because, like I said, I'm home alone, to do so myself.

Yes, I'm a horror writer who has seen scary things and I'm still terrified to do this stuff because while actual paranormal stuff is fascinating, it's also absolutely terrifying if it's effecting you directly.

3. The Black Doll

Such a creepy urban legend, especially since it sounds so realistic that I could easily believe it was a true story. Sad and scary!

4. The Elevator Game
They do the game wrong, you're supposed to do it by yourself. It sounds like the creepiest game ever. I already find elevators to be kind of eerie to go into by myself, but that's more because I'm always afraid they will break down. If I were to do this game by myself, I'd be so frightened.

Have any of you guys tried this game? Or any of you brave enough to try it?

5. "The Scariest Paranormal Storytimes Ever..."

I posted a video by this girl last time. I really enjoy her true scary stories videos. They are entertaining. Here, she finds a few creepy paranormal true scary stories online that sound very believable.

Monday, June 26, 2017

5 Scary Things I've Found Online - June 2017

1. Black Eyed Children

As of this time, I have not seen any black-eyed children, although I can't say this will be the case forever. I hope I never meet one though. They terrify me more than anything! There's just something about children who have eyes that are only black that is the scariest thing in the world. All I know is that I ever see one, I'm going to get out of that place or get away from them as soon as possible.

They might just be a creepypasta though or at least I hope that's all they are because I don't want to ever have to deal with one of them.

2. Top15s - Most Disturbing 9-1-1 Calls

I'm going to warn you that watching this is traumatizing. You feel depression, fear, and all kinds of disturbing things listening to it. After listening to this, the horror of what I just heard stuck with me for weeks, especially with the old woman who keeps screaming on the phone.

Just knowing those things are real, knowing that is real pain, it's hard to handle.

3. I Bought A Haunted Doll From Ebay

Haunted dolls are very interesting. They seem to get possessed more than any other object possibly because they resemble human beings and it's the closest thing that a ghost (or a demon?) is going to get to a human body. I found it interesting this woman trying to communicate with her haunted doll. It's very dangerous to try to communicate with haunted objects and seems to get more dangerous in this video towards the end if you know anything about the ouija board.

4. I Babysat A Possessed Child

This woman is like me, but she doesn't post things anonymously and describes it over video. There's something really enjoyable about reading people's true paranormal experiences. I prefer listening to people describe their true paranormal experiences, over listening to the fake stories, which is what helped inspired me to write my stories down.

Anyway, this story was enjoyable and creepy to listen to and I'm thinking about listening to some of this woman's other paranormal experiences in the future.

5. Cursed Phone Numbers

So most of these are urban legends and probably don't work if you try to call them, but I still find the whole idea of cursed phone numbers terrifying and would be too scared to call any of these to prove that the numbers didn't work.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Thank You For Making Me #1 Most Downloaded

I just want to thank everyone really quick for making my first book, the free one, #1 on google play free downloads. It's been #1 for almost three weeks now, which is amazing and not something I expected. It's because of all your downloads and all the people you showed my book to.

Seeing a shadow man was one of the most terrifying experiences in my life. It has haunted me ever since it happened and made me that much more jumpy. I didn't think anything good could possibly come out of it, but thanks to you guys supporting me, it has!

I hope you enjoy my other books as well! I will keep on writing!

Friday, May 19, 2017

5 Creepy Things I've Found Online - May 2017

1. Robert Helpman's Daisy

This is a series of videos of a guy who has what looks like a body in a bag that he has named Daisy. Make sure to watch to the end of the video and maybe watch the other videos on the channel to get the full effect. I don't care if these videos are real or fake, watching them makes me afraid to be alone.

2  End Of The World Theories

Wow. These are the types of things you just can't unknow. It's insane how fragile human life is and how easy it would be for large portions of our population to be wiped out, if not all of humanity.

3. Belmez Faces

I thought this was fake until I learned all the information about the Belmez faces. Now, I'm basically terrified of them. I can't think of anything that could have caused this to happen except something supernatural.

4. Real Life Curses

Real life curses have always been fascinating and creepy to read about and I'd probably say they were coincidences if I had never run into a cursed object in my lifetime. My next story is actually going to be about a cursed object that killed someone I lived with several years ago.

5. Guy Staring Through Window

Ugh. The worst thing ever is something creepy or something unknown staring at you. I'd be so terrified if this guy was in front of my house staring at me.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

More About Shadow Men....

I wrote about my experience with a shadow man in my first book, but not any of my thoughts on what they might be. I have a lot of thoughts on this, but keep in mind, I can only speak about my own experience with a shadow man and other people's experiences may be totally different, but that doesn't make them any less true.

I found an amazing resource that explains them quite well, if you are looking for more information (whether you've seen them before or just are curious about them):

It's a good description of them and their behaviors. But it made me sick to my stomach to read it because the older and more powerful ones are darker than normal shadows and can be out in the open more. The one I saw was extremely dark, just pure blackness. It was probably why he was so terrifying. And as you know, mine was out in the open and (depending on which story you believe) possibly moving.

If you are curious as to what shadow people actually look like, here are some pictures that look the most accurate in my opinion. They have different clothes and different forms, but they are very three dimensional and solid.

This picture absolutely terrifies me to look at. I used to be fine looking at pictures of Shadow Men until I actually saw one. The only thing I will say is inaccurate, is there is no lines or anything where their clothes (like their hat) is. It's all just straight blackness.

The second best picture I will say that I've seen is this one:

Again though, they are pure black and so they don't have light reflecting off of them in any way. They're just blackness, but you can tell they are three dimensional.

The thread I linked to at the beginning of the post talks about the different theories of what shadow men are. I will admit, I am not 100% certain myself because they are so awful and so different than anything else I've ever seen, but from my impressions...

They definitely weren't human. Not now or ever were human. When you see a shadow man, one thing that isn't made clear is that although they don't talk, you can feel things coming from them. Yes, I was terrified when I saw him, but I could feel his emotions as well and they were malicious. Not like he hated me personally, but like he thought humans were beneath him. Toys he played with and/or studied. They have this curiousness and a heartlessness. It's not that they hate us, it's just that they are sociopaths. They have zero empathy whatsoever.

I don't know if a shadow man can kill a human, but I know that if they did, they'd feel no remorse over it, so I'm afraid of seeing one again.

Which is why their combination of evil and curiousness leads people to believe that they might be beings from another dimension, studying us and messing with us. I don't think that is true because I think most intelligent beings would have the capacity to feel empathy towards other intelligent beings. Shadow men can not feel empathy for us.

So I doubt that theory as well, although I think it's possible.

In my opinion, shadow men are actually most likely either demons or manifestations of a bunch of dark things that have happened in a certain area. There's so much evil in a place that it winds up taking a physical form and wandering around.

It felt more like a disconnected entity than something with true feelings, emotions, and experiences.

Hands down, shadow men are always going to be the thing I saw that terrified me the most. More than anything else I will write about. They are the most evil things I've ever seen, which is why whenever I write about them, research them, or look at pictures of them, I always feel terrified.

Let me know if you've had any experiences with shadow men.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

5 Creepy Things I Found Online - April 2017

1. The Expressionless

This was a very scary creepypasta in my opinion, especially towards the end. That thing she says. *shudders* it just gave me chills. What if that was real? What if this really was what God was like?

2. Mom's Biggest Secret Lived In The Attic

I don't always make it to the end of all creepypastas, but I made it to the end of this one and enjoyed it a lot. Very well written.

3. Vintage Halloween Costumes

So I've been interested for years at looking at pictures of people in vintage Halloween costumes. Costumes nowadays are very tame in comparison. Halloween was so creepy to live back then! We should bring that creepy stuff back for one Halloween.

Click the link to see what I mean.

4. People Taking Pictures Of Corpses

So, a long time ago, when most people could only take pictures of themselves, at most, a few times in their lifetime, people would take pictures of their families posing with a corpse, so they could get pictures of family members who had died that they didn't have any pictures of.

It's sweet, sad, and so creepy. Look at the pictures in the link and try to guess which are the real corpses and which are the living people! It's more difficult than you would think, especially since photography was so bad back then.

5. Hide And Seek Horror

This is one of the best true life scary stories I've ever heard. Nothing is worse than knowing that you were somehow unaware of the amount of danger you were in from the unknown.

Monday, March 13, 2017

5 Creepy Things I've Found Online - March 2017

It's my first blog post and I'm very excited. A big part of the reason I wanted to write my true life scary stories and publish them is because I've been listening to and reading other people's true life scary stories for awhile now. Some I listen to or read because I want to research other people who have similar creepy experiences and some just because I find the supernatural and near death experiences just fascinating in general.

Here are some creepy things I've found online this month...

1. The Smiling Man

I absolutely love Mr. Nightmare. I'm sure most people who would enjoy reading my books would enjoy watching him as well. If you've never heard of him, then I recommend going on youtube and watching one of his videos immediately. He finds the creepiest stories online and narrates them on his channel. If I ever make audio books of my stories, my dream would be to have Mr. Nghtmare narrate them.

Anyway, this is my favorite Mr. Nightmare story. It scares me more than most of his stories have. I've met some creepy people in my lifetime who've done some awful things, yet I can't compare any of my experiences to this one.

2. Mommy, Are You Okay?

ThatPoppy is a youtube singer/celebrity who has become really popular lately. She writes catchy pop music and posts bizarre videos on her youtube channel. There's probably a deeper meaning to a lot of them, but it's hard to understand the meaning of all of them. There are some creepy videos on that channel like this one. I find the, fascinating.

3. Annie96 Is Typing...

Like most people, I enjoy a good creepy pasta. This one is not only quick and easy to read, but also pretty decently written. Some creepy pastas take forever to get to their point and are hard to read through. Here's a link to it:

4. White With Red

This is my favorite creepy pasta of all time. I enjoy that this video is animated as well. After I read the story (I didn't have the animation to go with it), I couldn't sleep for like a week, it got to me so much. Whoever wrote this story is a very skilled horror writer.

5. Live Streamer's Haunted House

This guy was live streaming while he was staying at a friend's house and the spirits in the house didn't like that he was there. None of this is fake and it's completely terrifying.

Which one of these is the scariest? Let me know in the comments below.