Thursday, August 24, 2017

Five Scary Things I Found Online - Aiugust 2017 (Shadow Men Links)

Since you guys liked my Shadow Man story so much, this month, I want to focus on Shadow Men stories online.

This is also a big clue as to which one of my Shadow Man stories is the real one. People who are familiar with either Shadow Man stories or have seen Shadow Men in real life have an easier time telling which Shadow People stories are true or not.

Here are five scary things I found online this month.


This is an official website all about Shadow People and real encounters of people who saw them. There's also Shadow Men caught in pictures.

I can't prove that any of these things are real, but they look and sound legitimate to me. Even the pictures. I've seen other videos and pictures of shadow people that looked inaccurate or not real in my opinion, based on my experience of shadow men.

This site has so much content, you can literally be reading it for hours.

There's also even a forum for people to discuss shadow people. I wish I had seen this earlier.


Reddit is filled with awesome first hand encounters of a lot of things. People with weird and interesting lives and frightening real life encounters can be found all over there sharing their stories and answering questions.

If you like my books and haven't ever heard of reddit, I think you'd like the site, especially the creepy categories like r/nosleep and r/letsnomeet.

So this guy who made this article found some great stories of people sharing their experiences with shadow men and compiled them together.


These are pretty creepy stories. The first one especially scared me because of the rumors that Shadow People are grim reapers and I'm always afraid one will appear again and try to kill me next time. I don't know how that woman ever sleeps.

A lot of the stories on this site are particularly creepy. Like shadow children...*shudders* At least my shadow man was an adult. I can't think of anything creepier than a shadow child.


Here's some possible pictures of Shadow People. I found the site interesting. I can't say for sure that all these are real, but at least some of them look like they might possibly be real.

Although, the one I saw in real life was much more clearly defined than any of these pictures. Not blurry at all.

Sometimes I wish I got a picture of it. but it's not really something most people think about when you're that terrified. You're just trying to survive and not get attacked by something supernatural.


Some more interesting Shadow Men stories. I really wish, like the first story, that someone else had seen my Shadow Man with me. It's better if someone else sees it, too, so they can understand why you're so jumpy all of a sudden or afraid to fall asleep and so you can ask someone else if they see what you see, too.